The UK’s biggest games industry community nightlife event returns in 2024 and will take over Liverpool this September with a warehouse takeover of Camp and Furnace, which will be full of gaming, live music performances, food and drink, good vibes, and video games for an unforgettable night. Join the leading games industry nightlife movement for our largest event to date September 26th:
- 23+ game studio headliners.
- Two warehouses of video games and game studios.
- The Kuoda Creator Lounge returns with livestreams all night long.
- The Exo Clan Esports Zone.
- Meet your favourite content creators and game developers.
- Live music performances in both warehouses all night long.
- Amazing food and drink all night long.
- FORMAT Collection fashion pop up shop.
- Charity raffle prize giveaways live on stage.
This could be fun.. or not. But it’s gaming related, and it’s in Liverpool, the long-forgotten city…